
Coaching is a one to one process and driven by the agenda and needs of the client. The issues and opportunties raised are discussed in a positive and forward looking mannner.

The objective being to acheive an outcome that meets our client's needs.

The keys element of our programme are:

  • Total confidentiality:- any information about discussions will only be released with written permission from the client.
  • The tone of the discussion is positive, forward looking, non judgemental and will always look for the best possible outcome for the client.
  • The coaching process involves the utilisation of a wide range of tools from accepted fields such a NLP and Transactional Analysis. 
  • The coach will actively listen and ask questions designed to help the awareness of the issue under discussion, which will then help the client reach a positive and logical conclusion.

Andy Low is a trained Professional Coach via a programme ratified by the International Coach Federation, the world's largest professional body in the coaching field.